Sunday, May 15, 2011

Art isn't about.. whos that person

Mereka mengatakan musik itu indah.
Mereka tersenyum mendengar musik berupa-rupa

Audio Slave dengan "Like A Stone" nya
Jet dengan "Look What You've Done" nya
atau The Beatles dengan "Hey Jude" nya

Diatas itu semua mereka menemukan musik kesukaannya dan terlena mendengar musik favoritnya.

that is a poetry from a three-wheeler driver (bajaj). He's totally shocked me... tadinya takut ngeliatnya, karena dia itu gondrong gitu. Gataunya, pas naik dia nyalain musik dan ngasih gue koran kumpulan puisi-puisi, he said "nih baca aja.. dari pada bengong" and i only said, "hah? oh.... iya" then i found this poetry.

Yeah, art isnt about who made it. to make a great thing of art, we dont have to be expert first. Art is Our Soul. Thats come from our heart, and with the help of mind it wud be... a great thing. I Really Do Love Art. its some refreshing. So everybody have their own "Art"! because art isnt about whos that person :D

He's Another "Katy Perry"

you're so hypnotizing.
could you be the devil, could u be an angel. and you're touch magnetizing.

This boy, the boy whos being with me for 11 months. it wasnt a short time to be together. and.. i dont know. He's just... Hypnotizing. Thank you :)

21 April kemarin, dia ulang tahun dan gue ngasih dia kado, kaya greeting photo gitu. Isinya foto orang yang megang tulisan "Happy Birthday Adityana, 21 April 2011 :)". Kebanyakan bulee neeeeh! harga diri lgsg drop buat minta mereka foto :') Sebenernya ini ide dari Vitha, tadinya mau kasih dia lukisan cuma ternyata waktu untuk ngelukisnya gak cukup, ya jadi akhirnya foto ini deh yg jadi. So... wanna see it? ok here they areeeee!

this is Vitha, thankyou for ur brilliant idea:*! and she's the photographer for all of this photo.

dainty! thankyou for being our speaker, harga dereee booo (LOL) :'D

and this is Indira. the Prayer Girl :'D hahahaha

the only child of all these photos. fyi, to took her pict we must stalking her to the toilet! PHEW :'$

the stewardess in our flight

another "bule" that we found in the toilet! :P the women on the right side was very kind :')

pertamanya dia jutek gitu, gataunya pas difoto.... SENYUMNYA BO!! YAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA KICEP SEMUANYA <3

Trio Kwek-Kwek :P

he's the first man who we took the pict!! and he said, "jangan keliatan mukanya ya.." :P

one word... Nyolot. oh, or maybe Kobam -_-"

re : i got a tissue, and pen to wrote that greeting paper from them :'P

we running-running (lari2) for her -_-


em.... Forget -_-"

he's pretty cute, ryt? :p

another first people..

she said.. Happy Burrrrthday :D

"wow... you're very creative" :'D first people who said that..

trust me... both were crazy haha. Woman on the right said, "BBBINTAAAAANG.." LOL

and the Prettiest Bulezxcwtsy!@#$%^

"Happy Birthday Adityana" :D:D:D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

im going to nowhere..

its weird.

i dont even know what it is. i dont know what i want. i dont know what had happened. i dont know what shud i do. i dont know what the start, and whats for the end. i dont know... yaa, i just DONT KNOW.

i cant tell ya that it isnt me. no. i dont know who i am. shud, is it me? or... well, its me :) its weird ryt?

i feel that so many problems come to my life. SOOOOOOO MMMMAAAANNNNNNY

but the facts is... nothing happened. nothing happen right, and nothing happen wrong. this is just, NOTHING HAPPENED.



HALU! IS THAT BAD WELCOME? HAHAHAHA. Sorry for that one. Yeah, the only fact is a want to Cry right now. Or found my Dyfani Life Story Book to know what had happened :p

Aduh mulai dari mana ya.... Mulai dari perasaan aja deh. ESESESESES! wkwk gak gitu deng, baru ngerasain nih yang namanya galau seribu galau, pokoknya galau 1000% deh ahaha. Teruuuus, belum cerita ya kalo kemarin sempet liburan ke Bali? Belom kaaaaannn?? Hahah oke nnti kuceritakan, menunggu foto selesai diupload semua aja ya biar afdol :D

Sebenernya bingung banget tau harus mulai dari mana, sebenernya mau cerita apa. Kayaknya gak ada yang bisa diceritain kalo udah buka blog ini. Tapi kalo lagi gak bukaaaaa... BEUUUHHHH numpuk!! Rasanya cuma blog aja yang bisa ngerti hehehe. Oh iyadeng pokoknya tentang curhat gitu, merasa.... Asing, sama semuanya. Kaya yang dulu lagi ternyataaa ahaha, sedih kali la awak ni, butuh MV kalii. Apa la rasa kalo nggak ada mereka. Pening pala awak kadang ni, mikir sebenernya kenapa la. Gak jelaaas gitu. Pokoknya yang awak tau, awak mau nangis di depan mereka. Sayangnya susah kali pun awak jumpa mereka, hehehe weekend aja belum tentu awak bisa jumpa. Lain kali laya, semoga bisa secepatnya:)

Daaaaaaaan... Gue lagi memantapkan diri masuk IPA neeeh cooooy!!! esese akhirnya hahaha. Doain yaaa ;) Berat bebanku nich, masalahnya agak bebel sama pelajaran Fisika dan tentunya Matematika. Tapi yaaa liat aja nanti deh mudah2an semakin dapet pencerahan semakin kesini. Doakaaaaaan ya kawan, semoga bisa masuk IPA!!!! Amin ya rabbal alamin :D:D

HEHEHEHE yasudahdeh udah dulu. Tuh....... Gajelas kan -_- wkwkw gapape ye yang penting gak dibilang Blogger Kafir yak wkwkw apacoba. Syudaaah ah bubuuuyy! kishbrocyincuss<3